Archive for the ‘Molton Brown’ Category


Molton Brown – Wonder lips Booster

June 12, 2007

With summer here, and the weather wrecking havoc to my skin, and the alcohol drying my whole body up, my lips started cracking and got really annoying again. Even though my Kiehl’s Lip blam No. 1 and Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Cream are still working wonders, I went out to see what new lip balms there are. What’s so good about this? It has got MaxilipTM (a patented natural complex that stimulates lips to produce their own collagen) to help boost the lip area (note that this isn’t one of those lip plumpers. More on that next time.), it has wild mango butter and vitamin E that help prevent aging of the lips. Before buying this, I had cracked and sore lips, and decided to put this to the test. To my amazement, this really took the sore out! Yes, it may seem pricey for just a lip balm, but I think this is really good. And, as a plus, it actually stays on the lips for a pretty long time!

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